Get the Middlemen Out! Why we need to eliminate 3rd party payer systems in education

The Blaine Truth argued a few weeks ago about the usefulness of college considering the soaring costs of education. While this is an important question to answer, after reading that I started to think more about the root of the problem: why are education costs soaring? They have far outpaced inflation in the past many years, and the reason for this is the current funding system that relies upon a third-party payer system. In the current model, students who cannot afford college tuition receive funding from a variety of sources until their ‘demonstrated need’ has been met. Most typically, the educational institution and the federal government supply the necessary scholarships to enable students to attend college.

Idle Hands Make for Tweeting Fingers

I can’t help but make the connection between Chinese Internet and a Fisher Price toolkit. Those bright shiny hammers and screwdrivers might look like the real deal, but the heavily censored Chinese Internet, just like the plastic choke-proof toys, won’t ever be able to build the framework of a free society.

In fact, China’s censorship of Facebook, Linkedin and Twitter, along with service interruptions for Gmail is reminiscent of many a fallen repressive Middle East regime. Aimed at crushing the public’s ability to organize protests and express dissent, China’s web-censoring arm – affectionately dubbed the Great Firewall – has garnered massive foreign media attention. But should we expect the Chinese citizenry to overthrow the Beijing government in the coming months?

Probably not.

Although the governments of Tunisia, Egypt, and China equally despise dissent, the Middle East differs from China in a key area: money. While the Middle East (along with most of the world) has suffered from the Great Recession, China’s economy has continued to grow at incredible rates. Protestors in Tunisia and Egypt weren’t just angry about civil-rights violations; many could no longer tolerate living in poverty. It’s this key difference that will make any sort of widespread revolt in China unlikely.

I don’t mean to suggest the Chinese population will give up free speech entirely for the ability to buy cups of Starbucks coffee and Nike shoes. But because China is economically stable and continuing to grow, the Chinese people will tolerate more censorship than their counterparts in the Middle East.

Sounds bitter or dismal? Maybe. But let’s take a step back and see that money has been at the center of many previous rebellions. America’s revolution started because our founding fathers refused to pay some taxes. The South seceded out of fear of losing the free labor of slavery. The US involvement in the Middle East in recent decades has stemmed from our desire to secure resources.

Good or bad, in the world in which we live, cash is king. And Beijing knows. Beijing, by focusing on economic progress and leading China’s workforce towards economic advancement, has sidestepped civil rights in favor of ‘looking to the future.’ The government believes that so long as the population continues to improve its economic position, the masses are unlikely to revolt.

In my last op-ed, I talked about the nearsightedness of US politicians in their poor handling of current budget deficits. Although detrimental to the long-term health of the US economy, Beijing doesn’t exhibit this type of economic myopia. However by focusing solely on economic development, Beijing demonstrates unprecedented levels of tunnel vision. But for their current goals, the strategy works. Dissent and opposition extend decision-making processes and prevent unilateral actions. However ignoring civil rights and denying people the ability to speak freely will likely bring about harm for China in the future. The question remains about what type of harm China’s government can expect and when they can expect it.

As it stands, the most visible opposition for China’s stringent Internet censorship programs come from abroad (with Chinese citizens unable to vocalize their opinions, this shouldn’t come as a surprise). In a recent speech, Hillary Clinton expressed US’s official view on internet censorship: “The United States continues to help people in oppressive Internet environments get around filters, stay one step ahead of the censors, the hackers and the thugs who beat them up or imprison them for what they say online.” This clear attack on China’s current practices led a Chinese spokesperson Ma Zhaoxu to declare that China opposes “other countries using Internet freedom as a pretext for interfering in others’ internal affairs.”

China calmly appears to refuse to listen to foreign governments. And I’m doubtful that’s going to change anytime soon. With ever increasing wealth and political clout, China is poised to do as it pleases (for the time being) without regard to internal or foreign dissent.

The Ideal Market Includes an Ideal Government

Capitalism rests firmly on perfect competition theory; prices are solely determined by a buyer’s and seller’s interactions, each of whom cannot affect the price of goods being exchanged. If a seller attempts to charge a price above that of his competitors, no one will purchase. Similarly if a buyer is not initially willing to pay what everyone is charging, he or she will purchase less (or none at all) or belly up and pay market price.   But as is the case with any theory, the economists who developed it employed abstractions and made assumptions to first explain the free market. The core to the ideal market’s theoretical soundness is the conflict of self-interest and competition, a checks and balances of competing forces that should allow all players in an economy equal market power. However only in rare cases do both buyers and sellers possess the same dominance. Just as an older sibling can concoct a scheme to get more of the younger’s prime candy during post-Halloween divvying-up, interests who hold more power in a market will naturally take more. The government should therefore promote conditions under which worthy buyers and sellers interact as pound-for-pound rivals in order to preserve the foundation of perfect competition. Unchecked market power results in inefficiency and overall loss to an economy.

Before we begin, I want to first explain the scope of this paper. I am not proposing (nor wish to meddle in the details of) any new regulatory agency that might be necessary to administer intervention. My point is that government regulation at times is necessary to preserve perfect competition for the benefit of the overall economy. That said, the government is not always poised to intervene. In the case of changing technology, the market acts appropriately to determine winners and losers. However the government should intervene to promote stability for all agents across markets. In the case of monopolies, the government should force them to behave as though they have competition. But all cases for or against regulation rest on the regulatory agency’s ability to collect accurate and fair data, something very difficult to achieve.

But how do we know when it’s appropriate for the government to intervene? Indeed this question regularly arises amongst economists. Nobel Laureate Joseph Stiglitz in a 2006 interview asserted the following:

“the real debate today is about finding the right balance between the market and government. Both are needed. They can each complement each other. This balance will differ from time to time and place to place.”

Although this clear-as-mud explanation fails to identify when, where, or to what extent the government should be involved in market regulation, it highlights the complexity of intervention. In determining whether or not to intervene, there is no defined checklist that prescribes action. However one basic condition can disqualify a market or a firm from government help: changes in technology. Sometimes market participants earn new power due to innovation. As new technologies emerge, patent holders will benefit, and competitors will be left behind. Although this demonstrates market disequilibrium, we need not worry. So long as technology continually evolves, no one individual holds dominance within a market for very long.  Additionally, emerging technology aids in producing competition amongst suppliers, which then benefits consumers. As an example, it would have been foolhardy for Uncle Sam to intervene on Xerox’s behalf as email replaced the fax machine. Under the same logic, the Government should not have bailed out the US auto industry in October 2008. Faced with superior products from Asia, American autos were no longer competitive and showed no signs of being able to catch up to or exceed worldwide standards. In this case, government intervention resulted in a loss to society. Sure, autoworkers kept their jobs for the moment, but government aid subsidized poor management and decision-making at the top. By failing to punish bad behavior, inefficient structures (GM, Chrysler) still exist and will likely fail again. Simply put, any firm or industry that is resistant or unable to change to meet standards other producers can achieve should be left to die, not nursed back to ‘health.’

Although intransigence is a disqualification for government intervention, some necessary – but not sufficient – conditions exist to justify regulation. As stated above, there is no set of circumstances that necessitates regulation. But one element is common among most cases for intervention: unexplained variance. In economics, uncertainty can be lethal. All members of an economy are assumed to have adaptive expectations; tomorrow’s investment decisions are largely determined by recent economic data such as prices, inflation, and interest rates. If that data contains spikes or is inconsistent in any way, buyers and sellers, faced with uncertainty, will not know how to spend in the future. A company that cannot predict a raw material’s future price will have difficulty deciding on future output and what to charge. Alternatively if a consumer is faced with a sharp drop in the price of good, he or she will be unsure whether to buy today or wait and see if the price continues to decline. The cumulative result of uncertainty is that people just sit still, resulting in lower levels of economic activity. Supply shocks represent a situation in which the government should intervene. Supply shocks occur when the availability of a good decreases and the cost subsequently rises. This is most observable in the supply of oil and agricultural products. A drought can cause dramatic shortfalls in production. Rising oil prices due to a decrease in supply may result in widespread economic downturn. Because of the far-reaching nature of some supply shocks, the government should intervene on behalf of all market participants.

Although it is impossible to prevent all uncertainty in a free-market economy, the government should attempt to control for unforeseen change in key areas. As mentioned above, oil and agriculture are prime candidates for government regulation. Any change in the price or supply of agriculture and oil will have far reaching effects. Increased oil prices can lead to overall economic downturn. However not all markets within an economy are as significant as oil and agriculture. A spike in the price of lawnmowers is unlikely to cause a recession. However a sharp rise in the price of steel required to produce lawnmowers (the same steel also required for automobiles, buildings, and appliances) will more likely result in a negative outcome across the economy. Therefore in determining the necessity and scope of intervention, the government must consider not only intervention’s impact on correcting the specific market, but also the degree to which the entire economy is hindered by the specific market imbalance.

In the case of supply shocks that are purely the result of unforeseen circumstances, regulation still must attempt to give all market participants equal power. However in this case there is no clear culprit for the government to punish. It wouldn’t make much sense for the government to tax farmers for low crop yields due to a lack of rainfall. Instead, the government must recognize that some areas of the economy are vital, prone to disruption, and therefore must be stabilized. In the case of markets whose stability (or lack thereof) affects many other areas of the economy, trusting the free-market to regulate itself poses a threat to the larger economy.  The government should therefore stabilize the market through active participation. In the case of oil, the government should hold a reserve of oil such that any significant deviation in production can be matched by government compensation from reserves, in order to maintain prices within an acceptable threshold. In fact, the government does hold a reserve of oil, estimated around 730 million barrels. This seemingly large number quickly fades when paired against US daily consumption of 21 million barrels. The US oil reserve would be depleted in a little more than a month in the event production halted. Additionally this reserve did not help stabilize the price of oil in 2008, when the price of oil reached nearly $150 per barrel. Had the government injected substantial reserve oil into the economy, oil prices would not have increased so sharply, and the economy would have been more stable as a result.

We’ve just discussed a need for government intervention to alleviate uncertainty in an economy. Because uncertainty harms economic growth, it should be combated. But government intervention is also necessary to preserve perfect competition in markets. Buyers and sellers in a given market should hold equal power so both parties will be happy after they exchange goods. However in many cases it is not possible for all market participants to have equal power. The classic example of unequal market power is when a buyer has no choice but to purchase goods or services from one entity, a monopolist. Although the word monopolist is tainted with colors of distrust and greed, sometimes monopolies are inevitable outcomes in a market. Because of the high cost of infrastructure investment for utilities, consumers do not have options when purchasing them; only one entity provides the service. And because the initial investment for utility companies is high, offering consumers choices for utilities would likely increase the cost. Since a monopolistic market is distorted, monopolists will likely charge more money for fewer services, and consumers will be forced to oblige. Thus arises the need for government intervention. With intelligent regulation, the government can force monopolists to behave as though there exists competition to increase output and lower prices. The trick is finding intelligent regulation.

The government oftentimes is in a difficult place. If it attempts to correct a market and fails, it is defamed and marked inept. If it sits idly by as the economy suffers, it faces critique as well. Although the government doesn’t always act appropriately or at the correct time, that is not disqualification for future government intervention. The key to successful regulation is availability of information. In order for the government to enact good policies, it must be equipped with accurate information that allows it to produce regulation that produces optimal results. Acquiring good information is the key ingredient often missing from regulation. Regulation sometimes suffers from depending on biased sources to obtain necessary information to enact policy. One method of monopoly regulation involves setting a maximum price a company can charge its customers. This technique is based on analyzing a company’s accounting records and market demand for the good.  What incentive does a monopolist have (aside from following the law and respecting its community) to be earnest about their cost structures and profit? If a corporation is publicly traded, this information is more widely available, but it does not guarantee unbiased reporting.

Government’s role in the market is a complex one. Because there is inherent inequality in capitalism, some sort of agency should be there to bolster fair competition amongst conflicting self-interests. By carefully examining the need for regulation on a case-by-case basis, the government can best determine when and to what extent it should intervene. So long as the government abides by a few guidelines, regulation can benefit an economy. Disqualifying any organization that is unable to change helps to foster new, continually improving organizations. By promoting stable commodity prices and preventing supply shocks, the government can prevent uncertainty in an economy. Additionally, by making monopolists behave as though they were competitive companies, we can pass along more goods at cheaper prices to consumers. This all however rests on the ability of government regulators to accurately gather its facts. Without balanced accurate facts, regulation cannot yield beneficial results. Fortunately, much information is available to regulators today, allowing for more detailed and appropriate forms of intervention.